THE END OF THE WORLD (WITH PROM TO FOLLOW) first draft finished!

Wow, my brain is fried! After literally writing all day, I’ve finished the first draft of THE END OF THE WORLD (WITH PROM TO FOLLOW) for West High School in Torrance, CA! This writing retreat is definitely paying off, despite the beautiful weather and the swimming pool outside that calls to me constantly. It’s been very carrot-and-stick this week, with me making deals with myself to keep pushing forward with writing. “Write two pages, and then you can jump in the pool.” “Finish this draft, and you can eat as much bad fast food as you want for dinner…” (For the record, I scarfed down a bunch of Wendy’s burgers as my reward…)

Now back to CHRISTMAS REUNITED. My goal is to have a solid first draft by the beginning of next week…